Technicial Specifications
- Advanced easy-to-use Beckhoff PLC control system
- Touch screen 7'' or 15'' operator panel
- OCT Single-cable Servo Motors
- Input Full, Output Full and all sensors in the machine report on the screen when there is an error
- Reporting servo motor temperatures and powers on the screen
- OP System: Over power protection due to wrong setting
- CFR 21 PART 11 Requirements (Optional)
- Audit trail ,Data integrity (Optional)
- All Controls On-Screen Thanks to Analog Cards
- Aluminum Structure
- Labeling module with X-Y-Z axis (three-way) adjustable
- Adjustable start photocell from the screen with offset adjustment
- Photocell selection suitable for packaging
- Photocell selection suitable for the label
- Setting label offset with label offset
- Rewind system suitable for high speeds
- Maximum label slip (±1mm)
- Automatic label size recognition and automatic correction of errors
- Sensors (photocell) used on the machine SICK, KEYENCE
- Pneumatic materials used on the machine SMC, FESTO
- All reducers used on the machine are Bonfiglioli
- Easy change in a short time
- Ease of maintenance and service